We believe assessment is an integral and important component of assessing and tracking student progress. As our aim is to maximize the impact of teaching and learning, we believe in achieving an optimal balance between time taken to assess students and to maximize teaching and learning. We aim to ensure that all formative and summative assessment enables teaching staff to identify gaps in learning and to understand their next learning steps. Whilst we believe this is an ongoing process, the school recognizes the importance of ring-fencing time for key assessments to take place throughout the year via its Academic Monitoring Assessment and Reporting (AMAR) calendar. This enables cadence in the process to ensure appropriate balance and time management for student preparation. Consistent with the school’s communication policy, we recognize the importance of parental engagement in maximizing students’ progress. Parents should be proactively engaged in their child’s learning and understanding their child’s strengths and areas for development. We believe in keeping parents informed of their child’s progress, any required intervention and ensuring ‘there are no surprises’. Our philosophy and use of each method of assessment is as follows: 1: Where am I now? (Baseline): CEM 2: How well am I doing? (Progress): CEM and Progression tests 3: How well did I do? (Attainment): Cambridge Checkpoint and End of Year Exams Assessment Key Assessments: Three times a year – bitesize summative assessment opportunities (ideally, standardized tests) that measure attainment against annual curriculum objectives as appropriate and commensurate with the timing of KAs in all key subjects. These KAs may also take on other forms in the case of practical subjects, for example a project. They are used to track attainment and progress across the school by teachers and SLT. All Key Assessments are followed with Mid Term Reports and Parent Consultation Days. Continuous Evaluation: Throughout the year, classwork, prep work, class participation and other specific subject-related tasks are assessed and contribute towards a significant part the mid-year and final report card grades. These assessments are very often done without students being aware of them to offer information that must commensurate a student’s true ability at a specific point in time. The format of questions posed and the platforms used during these assessments prepare students for exams. Exams: End of Term Exams provide twice yearly substantial summative assessment opportunities that measure attainment against appropriate end of term curriculum objectives in all key subjects. 2 Attainment Grades: Attainment Grades for students following the UK Cambridge curriculum (A-F) are issued after each Key Assessment and End of Autumn and Summer Term exams. Grades issued are broadly in line with iGCSE grade boundary expectations as follows: A* Grade, 90%+; A Grade, 80-89%; B Grade, 70–79%; C Grade, 60–69%; D Grade, 50–59%; E Grade, 4049%; F Grade, 30-39%; WT, <29%. The Attainment Grade structure for students following the US-curriculum is as follows: A Grade, 90% +; B Grade, 80 – 89%; C Grade, 70 – 79%; D Grade, 60 – 69%; F Grade, 59% and below. An F is considered as unsuccessfully completing a course. Student Progress: Conclusions about student progress will be reached by comparing a student’s achievement grades in comparison to their MTGs and ATGs. As a rule of thumb, a student achieving their MTG is likely to be achieving ATL3s and not therefore reaching our expectations i.e. that students should consistently go above and beyond the minimum. Phonics Tracker: Assessments done by colour group every 6 – 8 weeks, students will be assessed and move to the next level if they meet all the color group requirements. Teacher Guidance: Key Assessment and End of Term Exam guidelines will be required to provide essential guidance on: (i) the length of assessments; (ii) the style and format of assessments (which must be in line with IGCSE assessment methodologies for each subject); agreed student preparation guidelines and pre-assessment or exam information; (iv) timing of assessments and exams (v) Marking, feedback and reporting expectations as per the below attached :