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    Graduation Requirements 

    TWA has formally adopted the following set of graduation requirements qualifying TWA graduates for a High School Diploma. The Diploma meets the KSA Ministry of Education graduation standards as well as meeting accreditation agency standards for entry into world-class universities.  The Diploma is considered to be the equivalent of an American High School Diploma and is recognized as fulfilling Saudi Ministry of Education requirements.  

    Students are expected to satisfy the graduation requirements in four years, and no fewer.  TWA will only award a Diploma to students who fulfill the graduation requirements with pass marks in all required courses, including Saudi national courses. 

    If TWA changes any requirements for the Diploma beyond those necessary following the student’s ninth grade year, the Academy will grant a waiver to students who continue enrollment with TWA through grades 10 to 12.  TWA will also accept credits earned by students from other schools (private or public), applying those credits towards the accreditation requirements for the Diploma.  The number of credits required for a High School Diploma and the number of credits required for a High School Honors Diploma are summarized on pages 4 and 5. 

    Essential Skills Learning Standards 

    Students undertake a series of work-sample assessments at TWA chosen to demonstrate their acquisition of Essential Skills Learning Standards.  These work samples will be distributed across the grade levels with a capstone project in grade12 that includes an assessment of all the learning standards.  Project-based learning is a part of every teacher’s annual syllabus and shows an integration of the essential skills learning standards with our Common Core Standards, Next Generation Science standards and C-3 Social Science Framework standards.  The breakdown of TWA Essential Skills Learning Standards is shown below. 

    1. Read and comprehend a variety of texts 

    Texts include (but are not limited to) any form of written material, communications, media, and other representations in words, numbers, and graphics and visual displays using traditional and technological formats. 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    1. Demonstrate the ability to read and understand texts. 
    1. Summarize and critically analyze the key points of texts, events, issues, phenomena or problems, distinguishing factual from non-factual elements and literal from inferential elements. 
    1. Interpret significant ideas and themes, including those conveyed through figurative language and use of symbols. 
    1. Follow instructions from informational or technical text to perform a task, answer questions, and solve problems. 
    1. Write clearly and accurately 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    1. Adapt writing to different audiences, purposes, and contexts in a variety of formats and media, using appropriate technology. 
    1. Develop organized, well-reasoned, supported, and focused communications. 
    1. Write to explain, summarize, inform, and persuade, including business, professional, technical, and personal communications. 
    1. Use appropriate conventions to write clearly and coherently, including correct use of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, sentence construction, and formatting. 
    1. Listen actively and speak clearly and coherently 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    1. Listens actively to understand verbal and non-verbal communication. 
    1. Give and follow spoken instructions to perform a task, ask and answer questions, and solve problems. 
    1. Present or discuss ideas clearly, effectively, and coherently, using both verbal and nonverbal techniques. 
    1. Use language appropriate to particular audiences and contexts. 
    1. Apply mathematics in a variety of settings 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    • Interpret a situation and apply workable mathematical concepts and strategies, using appropriate technologies where applicable. 
    • Produce evidence, such as graphs, data, or mathematical models, to obtain and verify a solution. 
    • Communicate and defend the verified process and solution using pictures. 
    • Think critically and analytically 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    • Develop a method to explore the relationship between the key elements of a complex event, text, issue, problem or phenomenon. 
    • Gather, question and evaluate the quality of information from multiple primary and secondary sources. 
    • Propose defensible conclusions that address multiple and diverse perspectives. 
    • Evaluate the strength of conclusions, differentiating reasoning based on facts from reasoning based on opinions. 
    1. Use technology to learn, live and work 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    1. Use creativity and innovation to generate ideas, products, or processes using current technology. 
    1. Use technology to participate in a broader community through networking, collaboration and learning. 
    1. Recognize and practice legal and responsible behavior in the use and access of information and technology. 
    1. Use technology as a tool to access, research, manage, integrate, and communicate ideas and information. 
    1. Demonstrate civic and community engagement 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    1. Apply knowledge of Saudi and western histories and use knowledge of various government structures to explain current social and political issues. 
    1. Perform the civic and community responsibilities essential to living in a representative society. 
    1. Demonstrate global literacy 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    1. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultural, linguistic, and artistic expressions. 
    1. Apply a global perspective to analyze contemporary and historical issues. 
    1. Demonstrate personal management and teamwork skills 

    This skill includes all of the following: 

    1. Participate cooperatively and productively in work teams to identify and solve problems. 
    1. Display initiative and demonstrate respect for other team members to complete tasks. 
    1. Plan, organize, and complete assigned tasks accurately and on time. 
    1. Exhibit work ethic and performance, including the ability to be responsible and dependable. 

    Student Personal Education Plans 

    TWA offers students credit options provided the method for obtaining such credit is described in the Student’s Personal Education Plan and the credit is earned by meeting requirements set out in the TWA Graduation policy.  A Student Personal Education Plan serves as a road map to guide his/her learning throughout the school and prepares them for the next steps after high school. The education profile serves as a compass that charts a student’s progress and achievement toward their goals, helping them to stay on course.   

    The student is responsible, with guidance, to develop and manage his or her personal plan and profile.  The school is responsible for providing a process and guidance to students. The process should begin no later than grade 7 and continue through grade 12, with regular reviews and updates.  The process should provide flexibility to allow students to change their plans as their personal and career interests and goals evolve. 

    Class of 2020 High School Graduation Requirements 

    ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 4.0  Credits                  4.0 Credits  
    MATHEMATICS 3.0 Credits Algebra I Geometry Algebra II  4.0 Credits Algebra I Geometry Algebra II/Geometry II  Statistics/Pre-calculus/Calculus 
    SCIENCE 3.0 Credits  Physical Science Biology Chemistry 4.0 Credits Integrated Science Biology Chemistry  Additional Science in grade 9 
    ^ISLAMIC EDUCATION SAUDI ARABIA HISTORY & CIVILIZATIONS 2.0 Credits Including 1 credit of KSA History & Civilization 0.5 credit (1 semester) in grade 9 0.5 credit (1 semester) in grade 12 2.0 Credits Including 1 credit of KSA History & Civilization 0.5 credit (1 semester) in grade 9 0.5 credit (1 semester) earned in grade 12 
    ^ARABIC LANGUAGE 2.0 Credits 2.0 Credits 
    SOCIAL STUDIES 1.0 Credit 1.0 Credit 
    PHYSICAEDUCATION/HEALTH 2.0 Credits Text Box2.0 Credits 
    ELECTIVES  3.0 Credits 3.0 Credits 
    FINE ARTS (ART, MUSIC OR DRAMA) 1.0 Credit 1.0 Credit 
    TECHNOLOGY 2.0 Credits 1.0 Credit 
    TWA COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Service project within their household community. Service project within their household community. 
    GRADUATION REQUIREMENT TOTALS Minimum of 23 Credits Required Minimum of 24 Credits Required 

    ^As Required by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education 

    Class of 2021 High School Graduation Requirements 

    ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 4.0  Credits 5.0 Credits (grade 12 Capstone Essay = 1.0 credit) 
    MATHEMATICS 4.0 Credits Algebra I Geometry Algebra II/Geometry II Statistics/Pre-calculus/Calculus 4.0 Credits Algebra I Geometry Algebra II/Geometry II Statistics/Pre-calculus/Calculus 
    SCIENCE 4.0 Credits  Physical Science Biology Chemistry Physics 4.0 Credits Physical Science Biology Chemistry  Physics 
    ^ISLAMIC EDUCATION SAUDI ARABIA HISTORY & CIVILIZATIONS 2.0 Credits Including 1 credit of KSA History & Civilization 0.5 credit (1 semester) in grade 9 0.5 credit (1 semester) in grade 12 2.0 Credits Including 1 credit of KSA History & Civilization 0.5 credit (1 semester) in grade 9 0.5 credit (1 semester) earned in grade 12 
    ^ARABIC LANGUAGE 2.0 Credits 2.0 Credits 
    SOCIAL STUDIES 2.0 Credits 2.0 Credits 
    PHYSICAEDUCATION/HEALTH 1.5 Credits 1.5 Credits 
    TECHNOLOGY 2.0 Credits 2.0 Credits 
    TWA COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Service project within their household’s community. Service project within their household’s community. 
    GRADUATION REQUIREMENT TOTALS Minimum of 27 Credits Required Minimum of 28 Credits Required, GPA above 3.50 
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