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Early Years (Creche, Toddlers, Nursery, Reception):  

Children from birth to 5 years old are following our Early Years Curriculum, which is based on the (EYFS) British Early Years Foundation Stage, and it leads into KS1 in a relevant and meaningful way to all children. There is a balance between child-initiated activities and adult-led tasks, emphasising learning from direct first-hand experiences and learning through play. In the EYFS, the environment plays a crucial role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. We provide a variety of experiences in a safe and stimulating environment that encourages independence by exploring and investigating, watching and listening, talking and discussing, creating and communicating. It is organised into three Prime Areas, namely, Communication and Language, Physical Development AND Personal, Social and Emotional Development, with four Specific Areas, namely, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.  

Infant (Year 1 & Year2): 

The school offers children from 5 to 7 years old the British Cambridge Primary- KS1 Key Stage One, which provides a broad and balanced education for learners, helping them thrive throughout their schooling, work, and life. Within several subjects, including English, Mathematics and Science, Global Perspective, Physical Education and Music. In addition, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic), Arabic Language, Islamic Education and Islamic History, and Saudi Arabia’s culture are blended to familiarize the students with the heritage of this country, a fundamental part of the curriculum.   

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